The Importance of Spiritual Leadership in Virtual Teams: Assessing the Reliability and Validity of a Research Tool
spiritual leadership, virtual team, model, validation, validity, reliabilityAbstract
Objective: The article examines the relationship between spiritual leadership, a sense of meaning and membership, and virtual team effectiveness. Much of the research points to the applicability of the spiritual leadership model to determine individual and organisational performance. However, there are no studies in this area regarding virtual teams, which have recently become a basic organisational unit at work.
Research Design & Methods: The survey was conducted among 602 members of virtual teams. The confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modelling were used to determine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire used.
Findings: The research results show, first, that the theoretical model is a good fit and, second, that spiritual leadership has an indirect influence on the effectiveness of virtual teams by building the meaning of work and helping team members feel a sense of belonging.
Implications / Recommendations: The proposed model of spiritual leadership and its variables have been positively verified and the model can be used in a virtual team.
Contribution: In the theoretical context, relationships between variables were identified and the importance of spiritual leadership for virtual teamwork was assessed. In an empirical context, research was conducted that verified the usefulness of the spiritual leadership model, thus proposing a specific tool for assessing spiritual leadership in virtual teams.
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