About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Krakow Review of Economics and Management/Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie disseminates and strives to popularise the scientific and research achievements of authors from Polish and foreign academic institutions and to be a forum where the latest results of scientific research may be presented. The journal is an open publication, where both the university's staff and individuals not affiliated with the university are invited to publish.

Journal History

The Journal has been published since 1957 and is part of the university’s history. The issue no 2/2023 marked the one-thousandth edition of the journal. Its tradition and longevity have helped make it a forum for presenting scientific research results, and with it comes important commitments. Foremost among them is the journal’s further development – by enhancing the substance of the work it brings to its readership, streamlining the publishing process, and increasing its reach and visibility in the international scientific community.

Peer Review Process

Scientific papers undergo the following editorial review procedure:

1. The Editorial Board assesses both the form and content of the article.
2. The Editorial Board appoints two independent reviewers from outside the Krakow University of Economics to review articles.
3. The review process is double-blind ‒ the writers and reviewers do not know one another's identity.
4. The review should be done on the review form available to the reviewer after logging in to the review’s webpage (review form).
5. The review is concluded with an explicit recommendation to reject or accept the article for publication.
6. The decision to accept the article for publication in a given issue of the journal is taken by the Editorial Board ‒ the rules for approving articles for publication are included in the Author Guidelines.
7. The surnames of the reviewers of articles included in the journal are not disclosed. A list of reviewers cooperating with the journal in a given calendar year may be found in the Reviewers section below and in the last issue published in a given year.

Open Access Policy, licensing, copyright

All papers are available on the basis of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0).

Krakow University of Economics keeps the copyright. Authors can use their papers without restrictions. Authors grant the publisher the right of first publication and other non-exclusive publishing rights. Please see the full licence text.

Authors have the right to deposit versions of their work in the repositories of their choice. This includes submitted, accepted, and published versions without any embargo.

Articles from before 2024 appear under a different copyright policy with both author and publisher holding copyright. 


Articles in the journal are submitted, accepted and published without any fees from the authors. The organization financing the journal's publication is the Krakow University of Economics, Poland.

Clarification of policy on ghostwriting and guest authorship

Integrity in science is one of the pillars of quality. Readers should be assured that authors are transparent, fair, and honest in presenting the results of their work, regardless of whether they are themselves the main authors, or if they have received assistance from a specialist (a natural person or a legal person). Full disclosure of information on individuals that have contributed to the creation of the publication ‒ in the form of theoretical or material input, financial support, or otherwise ‒ is evidence of a researcher's ethics and the highest editorial standards, as well as constituting good practice and social responsibility. Two contrasting examples are 'ghostwriting' and 'guest authorship'. The former may be defined as the act of someone making an essential contribution to the creation of a publication while his participation as one of the authors is not disclosed or his role does not appear in the acknowledgments section of the publication. 'Guest authorship' ('honorary authorship') occurs when an author's participation is minimal or non-existent, yet he or she is listed as an author or coauthor of a publication".
Source: Ministry of Science and Higher Education guidelines

In the light of these issues, contributors are required to disclose the contribution each individual has made to their work. The main responsibility for relating this information falls upon the individual submitting the work. Authors are required to provide information on the sources of financing for their publication, contributions from research institutions, associations and other entities. The publisher will document any instance of academic misconduct, particularly the transgression of the applicable ethical principles of science.


The lists of reviewers by year can be downloaded using the links below:

Abstracting, indexing, archiving

The journal is indexed by:

The journal is archived for long-term preservation by:

Principles of Publication Ethics

General Principles

In its publishing policy, the publisher follows guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The journal publishes original texts, which are evaluated on the criteria of substance and scientific value. The editors work to eliminate unfair publishing practices  ̶  plagiarism, self-plagiarism, ghostwriting and guest authorship  ̶  in keeping with the guidelines of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. To be accepted for review, the article’s author(s) must submit a statement declaring the originality of the work, the authors’ contribution to the publication, sources of financing and the absence of a conflict of interest between the authors and other institutions, companies or organisations. Articles are published irrespective of race, sex, age, religion and citizenship.

Indications for authors, information about the review process, a review form and guidelines for qualifying articles for publication may be found on the journal’s website. Reviews are anonymous (double-blind) and done in the journal’s OJS system. To qualify for publication, an article must receive two positive reviews. For articles written in English, at least one of the reviewers should be affiliated with a foreign institution.

The Principle of Confidentiality

In the publication process, the publisher observes the rules of confidentiality. Access to information related to the publication is available exclusively to the author, editor-in-chief, section editors, secretaries of the editorial committee and reviewers. Access to articles is granted to users who log into the system with an access code. The publisher monitors compliance with the rules of confidentiality by all parties of the publishing process, and ensures that reviewers’ data is protected. The principle of confidentiality is applied to all texts submitted for publication. No communication may occur between the reviewer and the writer(s). The publisher ensures the confidentiality and protection of personal data (GDPR).

The Principle of Transparency

In the publishing process, the publisher likewise observes the principle of transparency. Conditions authors are required to meet in order to submit an article for review are provided on the journal’s website. The website also describes the review process. Once an article has been reviewed, the author reads and addresses the reviews and, after it has been reviewed and evaluated by the section and statistical editors, makes improvements to the article. With access to the system, the author can follow the progress of the article through the publishing process. Reviewers for the year in which the articles were published are listed in the journal’s final issue of the year and on its website.

Open Access Policy

The current edition and archived editions of the journal are available on the journal’s webpage. Articles can be accessed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License (CC BY 4.0). Articles are available on the databases listed above.

Anti-plagiarism System

The journal uses the Crossref Similarity Check service powered by iThenticate to verify the originality of articles submitted to the journal. See more on the iThenticate website.