The Relationship between How Compensation Is Configured and the Level and Components of Commitment to Work – Findings Based on Allen and Meyer’s Organisational Commitment Scale


  • Tomasz Kawka Wrocław University of Economics, Human Resources Management Department



compensation, organisational commitment, motivation, Allen & Meyer conception


One of the most important problems in modern HRM is to design innovative solutions related to human capital management, which uses the maximum involvement and commitment to the organisation. One of the most critical solutions in this field is the system of remuneration. This article examines correlations between these areas. The first part of the paper provides a theoretical explanation of the basic assumptions, including definitions and concepts of commitment, elements of compensation, and Allen & Meyer’s Organizational Commitment Scale theory. The second part presents the main conclusions and findings related to the configuration of compensation with the level and components of commitment to work gained by correlation analysis. The most important final outcome is that there are only a few significant correlations among commitment and its components. The main factor that is correlative with the affective component of commitment is the level of remuneration.


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How to Cite

Kawka, T. (2015). The Relationship between How Compensation Is Configured and the Level and Components of Commitment to Work – Findings Based on Allen and Meyer’s Organisational Commitment Scale. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 9(933), 81-94.