The Effectiveness of Poland’s “Family 500+” Programme in Terms of Reducing Poverty and Increasing the Fertility Rate




the “Family 500 ” programme, social policy, demographic situation, fertility, extent of poverty


Objective: The article evaluates the effectiveness of Poland’s “Family 500+” programme in reducing poverty and increasing the fertility rate.

Research Design & Methods: The research method used is analysis of statistical data and source literature in Polish and English.

Findings: The study proves that Poland’s “Family 500+” programme has been partially effective. The additional child allowance has helped reduce poverty, but has not noticeably increased the fertility rate.

Implications/Recommendations: A number of pro-natalist barriers coupled with a fertility rate persistently below 2.0 since the early 1990s has meant that financial aid alone cannot sufficiently encourage Poles to start a family. Demographic development stimulation should consist of comprehensive policies, including not only financial transfers but particularly activities mitigating the negative effects of socio-cultural changes.

Contribution: The article evaluates the effectiveness of the “Family 500+” programme, and thus the economic validity of introducing the most expensive family policy in the history of the Third Republic of Poland. The paper provides a multidimensional view on the causes of low fertility and the socio-economic consequences of lowering the poverty rate.


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How to Cite

Kucharska, P. (2021). The Effectiveness of Poland’s “Family 500+” Programme in Terms of Reducing Poverty and Increasing the Fertility Rate. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 5(989), 83-100.