“Digital Writ of Habeas Corpus” to the Polish Judicial System
case management, writ of habeas corpus, EDI, XML, GPGAbstract
The article presents the concept of good practice in IT and the implementation of EDI technology in the Polish judicial system. The concept of good practice was described in the implementation of the pilot project of good management of the subordinate units of the Polish Ministry of Justice as a part of the project “Education in the time and cost management of judicial proceedings – case management”. The project was partially funded by the European Social Fund within the framework of Human Capital. The aim of the good practice “Digital writ of habeas corpus” (abbreviated to d-writ) is to introduce tools for electronic data interchange (EDI). These tools facilitate orders bringing prisoners and/or witnesses to courts by the police (replace paper communication with EDI communication channel embedded in IS of interested parties). It uses XML-based EDI protocol and encrypted data channel. The digital writ of habeas corpus saves both the courts an police money, and reduces the duration and complexity of the process. The article presents the assumptions of good d-writ practice, the technology involved and the stages of the project’s implementation.
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