The Impact of Restrictiveness of Supervisory Regulations on the Stability of Cooperative Banks in the EU
cooperative banks, financial stability, bank regulation, EU countriesAbstract
The aim of the study presented in this paper was to identify the determinants of the financial stability of cooperative banks in the European Union in the years 2008–2015. It emphasizes the impact of restrictive regulatory actions on the financial stability of cooperative banks in EU countries. The article reviews the determinants of cooperative bank stability and presents the results of in-depth interviews regarding factors influencing that stability, recognized by bank management or from a safety net point of view. A panel survey, which encompassed 1753 cooperative banks in the EU, has shown that higher capital adequacy ratios of co-operative banks are observed in countries with higher levels of regulatory rigor. On the other hand, the MLPS index confirmed that inflated regulation has a negative effect on the stability of cooperative banks. The use of a broader definition of financial stability suggests that increased restrictiveness of bank regulation implemented by the safety net worsens the multi-criteria financial stability assessment of cooperative banks, despite the increase in the banks’ capital base.
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