Employee Influence and Commitment to Their Organisations
employee, sense of influence, organisational commitment, organisationAbstract
With competitiveness on the rise and conditions for the functioning of modern organisations changing rapidly, it has become more and more important to recruit and retain employees who, in addition to being highly competent, will also be ready to identify with the goals and mission of the organisation. An important factor in this respect is employees having a sense of influence on the organisation. The aim of the article is to present and discuss the results of research on the relationship between the sense of influence and readiness of employees to engage in work and their commitment to the organisation. Two ranges of the sense of influence at work were distinguished. The first involved the possibility of submitting one’s own innovative proposals to improve the operational processes while the second consisted in entrusting employees with a certain scope of autonomy at the workplace. The results confirmed a correlation between the sense of influence and commitment in its affective and normative aspects. At the same time, it was found that experiencing a sense of influence on one or the other level influences one’s commitment to the organisation to a similar degree.
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