The Stability and Growth Pact and Countercyclical Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area


  • Jan Borowiec Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu, Wydział Nauk Ekonomicznych, Katedra Polityki Ekonomicznej i Europejskich Studiów Regionalnych



budgetary discipline, Stability and Growth Pact, fiscal policy, euro area


The article assesses the role the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) plays in stabilising the euro area economy. It examines the relationship between member states’ compliance with the rules of the Pact and their attitude to countercyclical fiscal policy in the years 1999–2015. The study used descriptive statistics and correlation analysis, and arrives at the following conclusions: the level of member state compliance with the rules of the SGP is low, particularly in relation to the requirement to achieve and maintain the medium-term budgetary objective; the fiscal stance was pro-cyclical more often than countercyclical; there is a positive correlation between the perception of the Pact’s numerical rules and the attitude of countercyclical fiscal policy.


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How to Cite

Borowiec, J. (2017). The Stability and Growth Pact and Countercyclical Fiscal Policies in the Euro Area. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 2(962), 5-19.