Using ELECTRE Methods in Designing Complex Organisational Systems


  • Paweł Cabała Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Procesu Zarządzania



multicriteria decision-making, outranking relations, weights of criteria, preference analysis


The paper focuses on a formal approach to the diagnosis and design of enterprise management systems when there is a lack of complete and accurate information. It first discusses the multicriteria evaluation system, in which the preferences of the decision-maker are modeled based on outranking relations. The binary outranking relation is typically used in ELECTRE methods. These methods involve a set of analytical procedures which allow the user to select, categorise and rank decision alternatives. The overall outranking preference in this method is developed according to the principle of concordance and disconcordance. In the article the basic relationships and thresholds used in preferences modeling are defined. The ELECTRE I method was introduced to illustrate this type of approach. The last part of the paper presents a method for determining the weights of evaluation criteria recommended for the ELECTRE methods. This method can also be used in other approaches to solve complex managerial decision problems.


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How to Cite

Cabała, P. (2015). Using ELECTRE Methods in Designing Complex Organisational Systems. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 905, 5-20.