Indicatory Models of the Capital Market that Use the Regression Function of Random Vectors


  • Jan Tatar Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Matematyki



power of a vector, moments of a distribution, regression function, indicatory models


One of the more important categories of the capital market, indicatory models show the linear dependence of rate from specific (individual) assets on a selected set of factors. These factors are usually the profitability of appropriately constructed portfolios; these can include, for example, specific stock indexes. The coefficients of the sensitivity of the rates on the changes of specific factors are essential for the indicatory models. In financial theory and practice those coefficients are known as beta coefficients and one method of determining them is regression analysis. In the previous works the author showed that construction of the regression function of two random vectors - not necessarily of the same dimensions - is possible. That result - in this paper - is a convenient starting point to generalising the indicatory model form for cases where the vector of selected repayment rates is a function of other vector factors (e.g. the repayment rate vector of other assets). The beta coefficient obtained in this way, for obvious reasons, will have a matrix form.


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How to Cite

Tatar, J. (2015). Indicatory Models of the Capital Market that Use the Regression Function of Random Vectors. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 923, 37-45.