The Learning Value of the Job as a Driver of Employee Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Public Organisations


  • Izabela Marzec University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Public Management and Social Sciences
  • Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Public Management and Social Sciences
  • Janusz Strużyna University of Economics in Katowice, Department of Knowledge Engineering



learning value of the job, organisational commitment, public organisations, job satisfaction


The transformation of Poland’s public organisations poses new challenges for their employees. Growing social expectations regarding the quality of social services increase the importance of employees’ development and commitment. This requires that special attention be paid to the learning value of the job, which not only enhances employees’ commitment to the organisation but also positively influences their development and job satisfaction. This paper attempts to answer the question: what is the extent of the learning value of jobs in organisations in the public sector and is the learning value of the job connected with organisational commitment of employees and their job satisfaction? Empirical research is used in service to answering these questions.


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How to Cite

Marzec, I., Frączkiewicz-Wronka, A., & Strużyna, J. (2015). The Learning Value of the Job as a Driver of Employee Commitment and Job Satisfaction in Public Organisations. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 9(933), 53-66.