Using the Yamazumi Chart in Added Value Analysis of Work Processes
Yamazumi chart, work analysis, Muda hunting, added valueAbstract
Objective: The article examines one type of Yamazumi chart in the process refining. This chart (or diagramme) is a modified version of the traditional chart, built with an ABC analysis taken into account. The subject of the research was a simple work process.
Research Design & Methods: The author analysed the literature and characterises the Yamazumi chart. After presenting a typology of the Yamazumi charts, the author proposes a modification and its application in the analysis of the process.
Findings: The Yamazumi chart is a fascinating tool for process improvement. Combining it with the analysis of added value and the use of the approach characteristic of the ABC method allows for a fairly innovative approach to improving work processes. The novelty of the Yamazumi chart is that it breaks away from process chronology, focusing instead on run times and the importance of added value.
Implications / Recommendations: Without a doubt, the Yamazumi chart in its modified version can be used in the analysis of work processes. Its primary advantage is its detachment from a process’ chronology, while focusing on runtime and the importance of added value.
Contribution: The Yamazumi chart allows the traditional approach to process analysis (from the beginning or the end) to be replaced by a system without the chronology, and thus it enables one to see the process in a different way than the widely accepted view.
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