Consumer Awareness and Beliefs Regarding Sustainable Products
sustainable product, circular economy, awareness, attitudes, differentiationAbstract
Objective: To identify consumer awareness and beliefs regarding sustainable products according to a consumer profile.
Research Design & Methods: A quantitative approach was used. A questionnaire containing 24 variables was conducted using an online survey. 570 correctly completed records were obtained. The analysis used the difference test between structure indicators (chi-square), Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and Mann-Whitney U test.
Findings: The best predictors of differences in consumer awareness and attitudes were respondents’ education, gender and place of residence. Age and financial situation proved to be weak predictors.
Implications / Recommendations: The results make it possible to suggest thematic areas and groups (profiles) of respondents to which educational activities should be directed at various levels of education on the circular economy and sustainable development. Manufacturers seeking to promote product sustainability could also benefit from the study’s results.
Contribution: The article identifies the product sustainability degree model as well as variables that create a consumer profile and differentiate consumers’ awareness and attitudes towards sustainable products. The differences between individuals uare also classified.
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