Selected Instruments for Protecting Consumer Rights in Contracts for the Provision of Telecommunications Services Concluded in Unusual Circumstances


  • Piotr Kukuryk Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Wydział Finansów i Prawa, Katedra Prawa Cywilnego i Gospodarczego



subscriber, consumer, contract for the provision of telecommunication services, contract concluded in unusual circumstances


In contractual practice, the contract for the provision of telecommunications services is sometimes concluded in circumstances unusual for the consumer (outside of business premises or at a distance). This fact justifies an attempt to guage the impact of the Consumer Rights Act as of 2014 on the application of the provisions of the Telecommunications Act that govern contracts for the provision of telecommunications services. This requires, above all, a determination of the relation of these two acts of law, in particular, the criteria for their mutual separation. The settlement of this issue is an introduction to further discussions devoted to the analysis of the selected problems (due to the frames of this study) arising from the application of the Consumer Rights Act to the contracts for the provision of telecommunications services. They relate, among others, to the implementation of the obligation on the part of the telecommunication operator to provide information, as well as to the rules of changing the terms of a contract for the provision of telecommunications services.


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The Position Regarding the Relation between the Telecommunications Act and the Consumer Rights Act (version of 10 December 2014).







How to Cite

Kukuryk, P. (2018). Selected Instruments for Protecting Consumer Rights in Contracts for the Provision of Telecommunications Services Concluded in Unusual Circumstances. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 12(972), 39-56.