Analysis of the Dependence of the Gross Money Income of Single‑member Households in Slovakia
household budget survey, gross money income, marginal means, regression analysisAbstract
The article focuses on modelling the dependence of the gross money income of Slovak single-member households using relevant factors. The main aim is to construct an appropriate regression model through which to quantify the influence of relevant factors on the gross money income of these households. The article shows the results of an analysis gained from the Household Budget Survey conducted by the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic in 2012. The basic aim of family accounts is to provide information for the analysis and monitoring of the social situation of households, mainly the structure of their incomes and expenses. The 2012 survey looked at 4,704 Slovak households, 1,098 of which – or 23.3% – were single-member households. Multiple analysis of variance, tests for the equality of marginal means, regression and correlation analysis were all used with SAS Enterprise Guide.Downloads
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