Implications of Remote Working for Employees in the IT Services Sector: Experience of Polish Employees and Managers
remote working, dispersed team, IT project management, job performance, home office, homeworkingAbstract
Objective: Analysis of long-term implications of remote working for employees in the IT services sector from the perspective of Polish managers and employees. The aim of the research undertaken in this article is to identify various threats that result from the implementation of remote work in organisations.
Research Design & Methods: The theoretical part presents the issue of remote working, taking into account the challenges of its implementation, at different levels and in different dimensions (organisational, managerial, social). The empirical part presents the findings of the research carried out on a group of employees in the IT services sector and on a group of managers responsible for recruitment and management of work within IT project teams.
Findings: The findings show a number of negative consequences in terms of efficiency, effectiveness of task performance, trust building and, above all, exchange of knowledge and broadly understood learning among employees, which will lead to the worsening of problems with recruiting new IT staff in Poland in the long term.
Implications / Recommendations: Remote work will generate many new problems in the IT services sector.
Contribution: The article fills a gap in the literature regarding remote working in the IT services sector, which is the youngest, but at the same time the most rapidly developing sector in Poland, showing a tendency for further intensive growth.
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