Food Security and Trade Policies of Developing Countries
food security, developing countries, trade policy, trade liberalisation, trade policy measuresAbstract
Ensuring food security continues to be a challenge for many governments. This article aims to analyse the situation of food security in developing countries in the context of their trade policy. In particular it discusses the effects of trade liberalisation on the supply and availability of food. It also analyses the trade policy actions and measures taken by selected developing countries in response to the food crisis caused by rising prices of agricultural products. Based on a review of the literature and analysis of FAO statistical data, the study indicates that both of the main options – greater liberalisation or protectionism – entail certain costs and are linked to other areas of economic policy. The most appropriate strategy to improve food security seems to rely on a combination of actions leading to increased agricultural productivity, greater transparency and regulatory stability and greater trade openness, while maintaining a range of special and differential treatments for developing countries in international trade.
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