Analysis of Key Factors Influencing Spice Traceability Systems: The Example of Black Pepper (Piper nigrum L.)
black pepper, quality, transport, supply chains, traceabilityAbstract
Objective: To analyse key issues related to the pepper market, the transport of pepper and requirements during transport; to examine issues related to supply chain management of peppers (and, by extension, other spices and related products) with a particular emphasis on their traceability.
Research Design & Methods: Statistical data was collected and analysed along with the literature on the traceability systems of black pepper.
Findings: The study identified the main problems related to product identification, transparency and security of the data used in traceability systems.
Implications / Recommendations: Product traceability changes the perception of products on the market and increases confidence in supply chains. For the black pepper supply chain (BPSC), solutions that ensure process transparency and continuity of the information stream are paramount to reduce the possibility of product adulteration and other forms of fraud. Black pepper traceability should facilitate the detection of dangerous products and their withdrawal from the market. The ease with which traceability systems can control and reduce the costs associated with product aging and spoilage is less important for the trade of black pepper, but is nonetheless a factor.
Contribution: Recommendations are put forward for future studies on ensuring food safety and customer satisfaction as well as product reliability.
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