Protection for Customers of Distance Financial Services
consumer, distance contracts, financial contracts, right of withdrawalAbstract
The article seeks to elucidate the particulars of consumer protection law, especially private law regulations, including the protection of consumers with respect to distance contracts signed for financial services. In the case of financial contracts concluded at a distance, the legislature provides for the consumer the right to withdrawal within 10 days, when the entrepreneur has completed the information requirements. If the entrepreneur fails to fulfil his or her obligation to provide information, the consumer is protected by the right to cancel the contract at any time pursuant to Article 16d u.o.k.p.n., at no cost to the entrepreneur (the so-called special right of withdrawal). The right of withdrawal results in a state of uncertainty similar to that which results from adding a condition or term to a contract. Given that, the specificity of certain contracts for financial services, referred to in Article 16c § 7 paragraph 2 u.o.k.p.n., and marketing safety render the special right to withdraw inadmissible. In other cases, the use of the so-called consumer special right of withdrawal under Article 16d u.o.k.p.n., will be subject to assessment under Article 5 of the Civil Code.
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