The Determination of Grain Size and Volume Fraction of Austenite in 1.4307 Stainless Steel after Cold Rolling


  • Maciej Sarnek Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Metrologii i Analizy Instrumentalnej



stainless steel, austenite, X-ray diffraction, crystallite size


The material under investigation was a commercial austenitic stainless steel SS 1.4307 (EN) equivalent to AISI 304L. The samples of SS 1.4307 were rolled, achieving a 56, 60 and 62% reduction in thickness. The plastic deformation reduced austenite phase at the expense of the newly formed martensite phase. The volume fraction of austenite phase, crystallite size and lattice strain were calculated from X-ray line broadening. The X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out in a Philips X-Pert diffractometer using KαCu radiation.


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How to Cite

Sarnek, M. (2015). The Determination of Grain Size and Volume Fraction of Austenite in 1.4307 Stainless Steel after Cold Rolling. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 924, 33-45.