Location Extraurban Transport Accessibility in the Context of Building-up the Location Attractiveness of the Metropolises in Poland – The Example of the Małopolska Voivodeship
local development, metropolisation, development policy, transport accessibility, development of communicationAbstract
This article's basic assumption, and starting point, is that there is a strong correlation between accessibility (the availability of transport) and the territorial potential of an economy. Increased accessibility is one of the most important goals for metropolis authorities, central government representatives and key EU officials alike. The article shows the intentions of different levels of public administration representatives for how they would like to use the communication infrastructure to speed up regional and local social-economy indicators. Accomplishing that goal is especially important for metropolises which seek to join the global network of potential exchange. It is also important for governments because the strongest cities are "the mirrors" of the strength of the national economy. Economic strength is important for regions as well as metropolitan areas and metropolitan centre officials because they would like to attract potential. The article reviews the possibilities and solutions for building transport links to improve the economic potential of the most powerful cities in Poland.
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