Factors Affecting Bank Loans to Non-financial Corporations in Central and Eastern European Countries
enterprise financing, bank loans, portfolio composition, Central and Eastern EuropeAbstract
Due largely to financial support from their parent entities, banks in Central and Eastern Europe significantly increased their levels of lending during the pre-crisis period – especially in consumer credit and house purchases. Indeed, the growth of bank loans in some countries reached the staggering rate of 50% per year. Yet at the same time the share of corporate loans in total loans decreased. In Poland, for example, the share fell to approximately 30%. The aim of this paper is to present a comparative analysis of trends in business lending in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe and to identify the factors influencing their diversity. The research examined financial statements produced by the banks in the area to investigate the hypothesis that the different levels of involvement in corporate lending resulted from macroeconomic factors in the host country rather than the strategies adopted at the level of international banking groups. The hypothesis was confirmed.
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