The Relationship between the Structure of Own-source Revenues and Selected Indicators of the Financial Condition of Municipalities in the Łódzkie Voivodeship
local government, municipality, local finance, financial condition, revenuesAbstract
In this study I attempt to verify the connection between the structure of own-source revenues and the financial condition of municipalities measured by selected indicators. The purpose was to determine whether there exists a correlation between a diversified structure of municipalities’ own-source revenues and financial condition. The research was conducted in municipalities in the Łódzkie Voivodeship. The figures were derived from analyses of local governments’ realisation of budgets in the voivodeship and published by the Regional Accounting Chamber in Łódź. To eliminate the randomness of indicator values, the research covered a period of three years. All indicators used in this study were a mean calculated based on data from three years: 2010, 2011, 2012.
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