Knowledge and Expenditure on Research and Development in EU Countries
R&D, GERD, knowledge-based economy, innovation, European UnionAbstract
Due to the significant change in the role of knowledge in economic processes, the knowledge-based economy is considered a new paradigm. This article explores a number of aspects of building the knowledge-based economy in the European Union.
Statistical analysis and parametric tests indicate that the “old” EU members spend more on R&D in relation to their GDP than the “new” EU member countries. Further, the “old” member countries are more advanced in building the knowledge-based economy, which was measured with the KI and KEI indices. The hypothesis that in the group of countries that are less advanced in creating the knowledge-based economy (the “new” member countries) governments undertake more intensive action towards the production and development of knowledge was shown to be untrue, suggesting that these countries have little interest in reaching their counterparts’ level of economic development.
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