Modeling the Activity of Apartment Buyers on the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodship Market
real estate market, number of transactions, econometric models, time series models with seasonalityAbstract
The activity of participants on the housing market is related to the economic situation of the households, which itself is related to the overall business climate. The tendency for activity on the housing market to weaken during economic recession is not the same on different local markets. The aim of the paper is to analyse the intensity of the purchase-sale transactions during different business cycles in the West Pomeranian voivodship. The research includes analysis of the number of transactions in time, split into different business cycles or different seasons. The dependency of the number of purchase-sale transactions on the housing market and economic variables such as household income, sales revenue, retail sales and the unemployment rate is also analysed. The econometric models with lagged variables and time series models with seasonality are also applied. The data concerning transactions come from the real estate price and value registers from the District Governor's Office, the National Bank of Poland and the Central Statistical Office.Downloads
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