A Strategic Thinker: Scale Measurement and Profiling
strategic thinking, strategic thinkers, strategic thinking scale, validationAbstract
Objective: To present a multidimensional scale for identifying strategic thinkers and profiling strategists.
Research Design & Methods: The multi-method approach used included a systematic literature review, qualitative studies (biographical and IDI’s), and quantitative research (a survey).
Findings: First, the systematic literature review conceptualised and operationalised a multi-dimensional construct of strategic thinking. Second, biographic studies confirmed and illustrated the differences in five dimensions of strategic thinking, which had been identified in the interviews. Finally, the scale of strategic thinking was validated through a survey.
Implications / Recommendations: The research presented on identifying differences in strategic thinking and the types of strategic thinkers confirmed a multidimensional construct of strategic thinking and finally validated a measurement scale. The scale of strategic thinking makes it possible to develop the profiles and typology of strategic thinkers.
Contribution: The research results contribute to the development of strategic management theory. The five-dimensional scale of strategic thinking, which reveals the differences in strategic thinking, integrates other concepts used to conceptualise and measure strategic thinking.
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