Environmental Failure Mode and Effect Analysis and Its Application in a Seafood Company
environment, sustainable development, FMEA, risk analysis, seafood companyAbstract
Objective: To present an EFMEA analysis using the example of a seafood organisation, including risk identification, in the context of a potential negative impact on the environment.
Research Design & Methods: Methods used include a case study with analysis of secondary data (documents), semi-structured interviews with a representative of the organisation, synthesis and logical reasoning.
Findings: EFMEA is a very complex analysis and is extended with additional considerations that are important for the organisation. Process EFMEA and its implementation was facilitated by experience gained from the earlier implementation of the HACCP method and ISO 14001 system. The requirements of customers for conducting analysis in this area played a role.
Implications / Recommendations: The greatest environmental risk is associated with servicing refrigeration/cooling equipment, handling operations, maintaining social infrastructure and cargo storage. An obstacle to conducting the analysis was the lack of access to all comparative data. The leading benefit of the study was that it makes it possible to manage environmental consideration and then monitoring them effectively.
Contribution: The article is the first in Poland to look at the practical implementation of EFMEA. Thus, the spectrum of scientific knowledge has been expanded on the possible applications of this method in a food company and, more generally, how to control and minimise negative environmental impacts in the seafood industry.
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