Sustainable Development of a Cosmetic Product
sustainable development, product, cosmetic, consumerAbstract
Objective: To propose a model solution for the process balancing of a cosmetic product in its life cycle and to define a sustainable cosmetic through the prism of the added value that a conventional product does not have.
Research Design & Methods: The research was carried out based on a critical analysis of the subject literature and a comparative evaluation of strategies supporting sustainable development. Based on the legal requirements and strategic assumptions of the Circular Economy and the European Green Deal, rational directions for the development of a sustainable cosmetic were highlighted.
Findings: It was found that a sustainable cosmetic product does not fall within the disciplinary matrix of the sustainable development paradigm. A model of a sustainable cosmetic was developed. Significant added value from the areas determining a sustainable cosmetic were indicated.
Implications / Recommendations: The analysis of the subject matter in the approach proposed draws attention to the idea of sustainable cosmetics as an effect and stimulator of sustainable development. In the pursuit of ever higher levels of sustainability, the importance of issues such as the selection of raw materials, packaging, water and energy management, and consumer education has been recognised.
Contribution: Expanding and updating knowledge on sustainable cosmetic products and assessing the optimum levels of sustainable values. The model of a sustainable cosmetic product put forward here paves the way to improved quality and new directions to be explored in developing a sustainable cosmetic.
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