Perceived Product Value as a Determinant of the Purchase of Traditional Food Products
perceived value of the product, purchase decision, consumer perception, behaviour, product attributesAbstract
Objective: The article identifies the key determinants of the value of traditional food products and the factors involved in consumers’ decisions to purchase them.
Research Design & Methods: Marketing research was conducted via indirect interviews with the use of an Internet questionnaire (CAWI). The research population (N = 294) consisted of people aged 18–30 who purchase and consume traditional products from various categories.
Findings: The results of the research showed that the perceived value of traditional food products is the sum of the values offered to buyers. The values include: identity value, economic value, functional value, informative value.
Implications / Recommendations: It was found that traditional food products are both a carrier and a provider of value. Food producers should know their customers’ expectations, particularly as real value is brought by loyal buyers, i.e. those who are satisfied with the cooperation and repeat purchases of the product.
Contribution: The research adds to the knowledge base on young consumers’ perception of product value as a determinant of the decision to purchase traditional food products.
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