The Estimation and Selection of Optimum Variant Food Products Packing
multicriteria decision support, optimal selection of variant, optimisation, food packingAbstract
Objective: The work presents a method that allows for the evaluation and selection of the best (optimal) configuration (combination) of the packaging film and the medium inside the packaging (protective gas mixture).
Research Design & Methods: The algorithm used to select the optimal variant is based on the Yager method in the base version; it takes into account subjective relative criteria.
Findings: The application of the modified Yager method made it possible to determine the optimal configuration of the packaging film and the medium inside the packaging.
Implications / Recommendations: The method presented can be used on a larger scale as a useful tool for the evaluation and selection of the variant that best meets given evaluation criteria, taking into account their importance defined by experts. In addition, the modified Yager method is applicable when experts do not have sufficient knowledge to evaluate the variants versus individual criteria.
Contribution: The research suggests that consideration should be given to decision-making processes based on multi-criteria optimisation taking into account various groups of criteria, including deterministic, fuzzy and probabilistic-statistical.
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