Initial Assessment of the Impact of Coffee Bean Roasting Temperature on the Quality of the Product and Coffee Infusions
coffee, roasting process, quality determinants, sensory qualityAbstract
Objective: The roasting process of green coffee beans has a significant impact on the properties of the finished product, which may be critical to its acceptance by consumers. In that light, the aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the conditions of this process on the sensory and physicochemical determinants that shape the quality of coffee.
Research Design & Methods: The research material consisted of Arabica coffee samples with varying degrees of roasting. The water and caffeine contents were measured, as was the sensory quality before and after the infusion was made.
Findings: The degree of roasting of the coffee beans did not have an impact on the differences in the water content in the finished product. Moreover, the caffeine content was at the level typical for Arabica coffees. The coffees tested met the requirements of the standards in terms of organoleptic parameters. After preparing the infusion, all of the coffees were of high sensory quality. Nevertheless, the samples with the highest degree of roasting returned statistically significantly worse performance for indicators on the total sensory quality index. This was due to their significantly lower taste and color ratings.
Implications / Recommendations: The parameters chosen for the coffee roasting process influenced its sensory features. The coffee infusion with a very dark roast degree was assessed to be significantly worse in terms of color and taste than the other samples. The parameters of the roasting process of coffee beans may therefore significantly affect the consumer acceptance of drinks made from them.
Contribution: Contributes to the knowledge on the optimisation of product quality from the consumer’s point of view.
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