Employment Forms and Occupational Stress at Work – Comparative Research Conducted among Bank Employees in Poland and Russia
occupational stress, forms of employment, banks, Poland, RussiaAbstract
Objective: The main aim of this paper is to assess the relationship between employment forms and occupational stress of bank employees in Poland and Russia.
Research Design & Methods: The empirical study was conducted in the years 2016–2019 among bank employees in Poland and Russia. A survey of 2,746 bank employees was used.
Findings: The article’s first hypothesis – that in Poland and Russia, bank employees under a contract of employment are less stressed than bank employees based on other forms of employment – was rejected on the basis of the results of the Mann-Whitney test. The test showed that working under an employment contract resulted in a higher level of stress. The second hypothesis – that in Poland and Russia, open-ended bankers are less stressed than fixed-term bankers – was only confirmed by the current form of employment in Russia (subindex 2). More important factors causing a higher level of stress included the number of hours actually worked.
Implications / Recommendations: Stress remains one of the most negative work-related factors affecting employee health. Banks should consider different methods of supporting employees and reducing stress.
Contribution: The contribution of this study to the literature is its in-depth analysis of the level of stress involved in various types of employment. Until now, no attempt has been made to compare Poland and Russia in this context.
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