Female Careers in Italian Universities: The Role of Gender Budgeting to Achieve Equality between Women and Men
gender mainstreaming, Gender Budgeting, gender diversity, universities, ItalyAbstract
Objective: The objective of this study is to provide an overview of female careers in Italian academia and to present the implications related to the adoption of Gender Budgeting at universities.
Research Design & Methods: A theoretical framework was developed based on the role of Gender Budgeting and the role of the Central Guarantee Committee for equal opportunities in Italian Universities (CUG). Female careers in Italian Universities were analysed in order to provide a state of the art about gender equality in academia.
Findings: Overall, the findings suggest that Gender Budgeting is a key tool to measure and monitor the level of gender mainstreaming. It can be used to assess the implications not only for women but in general for the least represented gender in each area and at every level. It helps promote the efficiency and transparency of the University’s activities and to understand those elements useful in improving measures that have been taken.
Implications / Recommendations: The analysis highlights that Gender Budgeting is a key tool for measuring and monitoring the level of gender mainstreaming within universities. The adoption of Gender Budgeting attests to governing bodies’ assumption of responsibility in eliminating discrimination based on gender and thereby protect and promote the well-being for universities employees.
Contribution: In examining female careers in academia in Italian Universities and the role of Gender Budgeting, this paper seeks to contribute to the scholarly conversation on the role of Gender Budgeting in shaping gender inequality and improving the overall performance of universities.
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