Determinants of the Use of Intuition in Decision-making – an Empirical Study
intuition, decision-making, determinants of decision-making, rationalityAbstract
Objective: The aim of the article is to identify the determinants of using intuition in decision-making processes among top management.
Research Design & Methods: Survey method (sample selection: random, stratified disproportionate, data collection method: CATI, sample size: 300 completed questionnaires).
Findings: I produced a typology of the determinants of intuition used in decision-making processes and a proposal for ordering them in a hierarchy.
Implications / Recommendations: The hierarchy of determinants differs depending on the decision-making style represented by the respondents. When valuations were made by respondents representing all decision-making styles, only internal determinants were recognised as crucial. In the opinion of intuitive decision-makers, the factors determining the use of intuition in decision-making practice are, with the exception of experience, external and include environmental conditions and the type and structure of the decision problem being confronted.
Contribution: The study identifies and empirically verifies an orginal typology of determinants of intuition used in decision-making.Downloads
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