Towards Better Knowledge Valorisation: The Perspective of Representatives of the European Commission
knowledge valorisation, social impact, university, European CommissionAbstract
Objective: The aim of the article is to provide a perspective on the perception of knowledge valorisation by representatives of the European Commission and to answer the following questions: Does knowledge valorisation require the development of a special strategy? What contributes to valorisation success? What hinders knowledge valorisation? How can progress in knowledge valorisation be assessed?
Research Design & Methods: Qualitative research was conducted in the form of a group interview with representatives of the European Commission.
Findings: According to the European Commission representatives, steps in the field of knowledge valorisation are becoming a priority, but still remain a challenge. To ensure the success of valorisation, the involvement of all participants in the research and innovation ecosystem is essential, with universities playing a key role in this process. By creating knowledge that benefits citizens, scientists influence changes in their behaviours, which can contribute to economic, social, and environmental benefits. Unfortunately, this process is burdened by many barriers, and the lack of specific guidelines for measuring and evaluating social impact is a significant hindrance.
Implications / Recommendations: Though it does not provide specific metrics of social impact, the Europen Commission does support Member States by sharing the most up-to-date knowledge through its knowledge valorisation platform.
Contribution: The article presents the perspective of representatives of the European Commission on knowledge valorisation.
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