Extending Means-end Chain Theory by Integrating a Self-concept Approach and Behavioural Perspective Model
consumer behaviour, Means-end Chain Theory, self-concept, Behavioural Perspective ModelAbstract
This methodological and concept paper attempts to combine the recently emerged, yet well-established, value-based cognitive model – Means-end Chain (MEC) – with the self-concept approach and the Behavioural Perspective Model (BPM).
The paper has three aims: first, to elaborate the MEC theory, the post-modern approach of self-concept and the hermeneutical model based on radical behaviourism, BPM. Second, to discuss the similarities and differences with MEC and, third, to formulate a novel extended MEC metatheory.
The theoretical framework is based on a critical overview of scientific books and articles. It includes an examination of the elements to enhance the MEC model with symbolism, dynamics and multi-dimensionality on the micro-level through integration of the self-concept approach. It also investigates the environmental, reinforcing / aversive and experiential aspects of the BPM on the macro level.
The results of the exploration pave the way to the new research extended MEC – EMEC – which opens up new opportunities to redesign and re-systemise the interpretation and understanding of consumer behaviour.
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