Multigenerational Teams from the Perspective of Knowledge Management Based on the Example of a Selected Public University
multigenerational team, knowledge management, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, Generation ZAbstract
Objective: The purpose of the article is to answer the following questions: What are the problems faced by university managers responsible for managing multigenerational work teams? Is it possible, and if so, what are good practices in integrating the potential of multigenerational teams of employees? What is the overall assessment of multigenerational teams – do university executives see them as an opportunity or a burden?
Research Design & Methods: Qualitative research in the form of a case study was carried out. This method included seven individual interviews with executives at the Faculty of Organization and Management at Lodz University of Technology.
Findings: Executives at the selected university identify various types of problems in managing multigenerational teams, while recognising opportunities to integrate the potential inherent in age-diverse teams. Respondents are mostly positive about intergenerational teams, but they also note some difficulties for managers related to having a multigenerational team.
Implications / Recommendations: The role of people responsible for leading multigenerational teams is becoming increasingly demanding. Striving to achieve equal involvement of representatives of all generations in the work is one of the most difficult challenges faced by university managers today. The effort, however, is worth making, as any diversity can positively influence the team and foster improvements in knowledge management.
Contribution: The article adds to the characterisation of each generation of employees with aspects from a knowledge management perspective.
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