Model Selection and the GREG Estimator Bias in a Small Business Survey


  • Grażyna Dehnel Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Poznaniu, Wydział Informatyki i Gospodarki Elektronicznej, Katedra Statystyki



GREG, business statistics, model-assisted estimation, outliers


Estimation for a very skewed population containing extreme values is problematic, especially at a low level of aggregation. Traditional direct estimation methods do not provide satisfactory results. The growing demand for detailed information and the wider possibility of using data from administration registers has increased the importance of recognising more sophisticated estimation methods. Generalised Regression (GREG) estimation is an example of one such type. The paper examines the importance of the model chosen in GREG estimation in dealing with highly variable and outlier-prone populations. The model-assisted GREG estimator is applied to a real business survey. Lagged variables from administrative registers were used as the auxiliary variables. The variable of interest – mean revenue of small companies – was estimated for provinces cross-classified by categories of economic activity.


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How to Cite

Dehnel, G. (2018). Model Selection and the GREG Estimator Bias in a Small Business Survey. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 11(971), 5-25.