An Econometric Analysis of Capital Productivity in the European Union
capital productivity, production function, European Union, econometric modellingAbstract
The paper presents the results of an analysis of capital productivity in the member countries of the European Union in the years 2000-2014. On the basis of a one-factor production function, changes in this variable were calculated for both time series and cross-section data. This enabled the identification of regularities both in particular countries and the EU as a whole. Those regularities included the significant influence of the economic crisis which began in 2008, the attendant blow to capital productivity of capital in the Member States and the large differences in this measure in the international dimension. The paper’s conclusions can be used by investors, whose decisions are based on the analysis of returns on invested capital. More generally, they may also inform about the future directions of capital flows and, as a consequence, about changes in EU employment levels.
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