Challenges in Cooperating with Robots as Team Members
robots, cobots, teams, human-robot collaborationAbstract
Objective: To assess views on working with robots in a team and the most important concerns and expectations related to “employing” robots.
Research Design & Methods: Quantitative research was carried out using a survey questionnaire among a group of 593 IT specialists.
Findings: Robots are still treated mainly as tools, not as entities that participate in a team’s work. The belief that the presence of a robot on a team will not eliminate a human but instead replace it, performing dangerous and uncomfortable tasks and providing space to focus on more creative activities, leads some to view the employing of robots in teams in a positive light.
Implications / Recommendations: The creators of robots should be aware that robots will be team members that enter into relationships with people alongside whom they carry out professional tasks. Preparing – or being prepared, in the case of robots – to cooperate in such teams is a crucial task in modern human resource management.
Contribution: Research on teams in which robots cooperate with people is a novelty in the Polish literature on the subject. The article may help inspire further exploration of this research area.
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