Generation Z’s Expectations of a RemoteTeam Manager
manager, remote work, Generation Z, remote manager’s competenciesAbstract
Objective: The paper aims to categorise the expectations of Generation Z of managers managing remote teams.
Research Design & Methods: The research was carried out using the technique of written statements according to instructions. Analysis of the data collected was performed with the use of text-analysis software NVivo Pro as well as MS Excel for quantitative analyses. The study group consisted of 287 people.
Findings: The analysis shows that, apart from digital skills, remote managers need several people-oriented qualities and skills. Young people expect understanding, empathy, patience, and support in performing duties. They emphasised the role that trust plays for managers in motivating employees. The research also shows that there was some differentiation in men’s and women’s answers. Women more often emphasise patience and team support, the need to trust employees and team-building skills, while men proportionally more often wrote about self-control, self-confidence, firmness and assertiveness, which is partly in line with the stereotypical perception of a male manager.
Implications / Recommendations: The results reveal the image of the remote manager Generation Z expects: a manager-psychologist that is proficient in computer operation and will organise work and care for his team.
Contribution: The author hopes that the research presented in this article fills a cognitive gap on Generation Z and its expectations of remote managers. Developing knowledge in this area is essential as this generation will play an increasingly important role in the changing labour market.
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