Mutual Funds on the Socially Responsible Investments Market
socially responsible investing, socially responsible mutual funds, SRI funds, socially responsible investment marketAbstract
The paper considers the role of socially responsible investment funds in the socially responsible investments (SRI) market. On the basis of theoretical considerations and empirical studies, this hypothesis was verified: SRI mutual funds play a key role in shaping and developing the SRI market. A number of objectives were carried out for the research. The first part of the article characterises the SRI market and its participants. This was followed by an examination of the specifics of socially responsible mutual funds. The next part of the article analyses the structure and size of the SRI market and presents the role of SRI funds in this market. Observations formulated on the basis of the studies done for this paper leads to the conclusion that there are no grounds to reject the research hypothesis: SRI funds are key in shaping and developing the SRI market.Downloads
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