Methodological Aspects of the Assessment of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Organisations


  • Angelika Wodecka-Hyjek Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Krakowie, Katedra Metod Organizacji i Zarządzania



corporate entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial orientation, measurement of entrepreneurial orientation, the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and organisational performance


The study presents the methodological aspects of evaluating entrepreneurial orientation in the organisation. The assumptions behind and the essence of the concept of entrepreneurial orientation are presented. The components of entrepreneurial orientation – innovativeness, being proactive, taking risks, autonomy, competitive aggressiveness – are characterised. Guidelines and tools for and the problems that may be encountered in measuring the orientation of entrepreneurial organisation are introduced. The study also presents the results of multifaceted research into how the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and the results an organisation produces is shaped, based on a review of the foreign literature on the subject. It also shows the need for a widened examination perspective of that relationship, and emphasises the importance of the organisation’s intangible resources and dynamic abilities in developing strategy.


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How to Cite

Wodecka-Hyjek, A. (2017). Methodological Aspects of the Assessment of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Organisations. Krakow Review of Economics and Management Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego W Krakowie, 7(955), 5-22.