Spatio-temporal Analysis of the Dynamics of the Share of Renewable Energy in Gross Final Energy Consumption in the European Union
renewable energy, analysis of dynamics, linear ordering, classificationAbstract
The development of the renewable energy sector is one of the top priorities for the Polish government. In accordance with Directive 2009/28/EC, EU member states should increase their energy from renewable sources as a share of total energy consumption. The specific objective for Polish energy policy is to grow energy from renewable sources to comprise 15.5% of total energy production in 2020 (19.3% for the electricity sector, 17% for the heating and cooling sector, and 10.2% for the transport fuels sector). The main objective of this research is to assess the dynamics of the share of energy from renewable sources in particular sectors, including the electricity, heating, cooling and transport fuels sectors. The article ranks countries according to their share of energy from renewable sources in production and to the gross domestic product. It then compared the linear orderings. The purpose of this analysis is to test the hypothesis that the rank of EU countries in terms of their share of renewable energy in overall energy consumption did not change significantly in the years 2005–2013. Finally, it presents the results of the analysis of the relationship between the share of renewable energy in individual sectors. The countries are grouped according to their share of renewable energy in individual sectors.
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