Forecasting Property Developer Activity on the Polish Housing Market by Means of Spatio-Temporal Analogies
housing market, developers, analogy methods, forecastingAbstract
The activity of housing market participants is not identical on every local and regional real estate market. Usually the increase and decrease of the activity on the housing market and the values of variables characterising it are delayed on less developed markets.
The aim of the paper is to find whether some processes on the housing market are characterised by the same intensity and dynamics in every voivodship in Poland in comparison to the Zachodniopomorskie (Western Pomeranian) voivodship. The article examines variables including relative number of transactions, the relative number of dwellings for which permits have been granted, the relative number of dwellings completed, and the relative number of dwellings upon which construction was started.
Spatio-temporal analogies was the method used. It revealed that the dynamics of most variables for Zachodniopomorskie voivodship were similar to those characterising other voivodships apart from the two first relative variables. For these two variables the forecasts were computed.
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