The Problem of Outliers in Research on the Financial Standing of Construction Enterprises in Poland
outliers, financial standing, financial indicator, logit model, classificationAbstract
The results of an analysis of financial standing can be used to study the threat of going bankrupt. Financial indicators are used to evaluate enterprises’ financial standing. Thus, the data from financial statements is the basis for the examination of the financial position. The evaluation of data quality includes the identification of outliers, among other factors. This article presents the results of an empirical study done on how the method of detecting and eliminating outliers chosen influences the effectiveness of a logit model constructed on the basis of samples that either included the outliers or left them out. The research for the paper employed one- and multi-dimensional methods of detecting outliers and their combinations with an analysis of the discriminatory power of the financial indicators. Classification effectiveness of the logit model was assessed by sensitivity and specificity measures. The research covered the years 2005, 2007 and 2009.
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